We’ve complied a list of 30 weird popcorn flavors for those of you who usually eat your popcorn with the traditional, boring set of ingredients like butter and salt. In my house, we don’t even use real butter. We use that butter flavored oil that you can get in any convenient store, so our ingredients that we use are technically oil and salt. Ugh, so lame.
So here at the Foyager, we dared to find some weird popcorn flavors that were out there and typically nothing that you could image that would pair with popcorn. Like Jello and banana split or buffalo ranch and s’mores. I mean, who thinks of these things. Check out the list below and tell us what you think? Have you ever tried any of the flavors below? Will you try them or are sticking to your plain Jane oil and salt flavored traditional popcorn?
Bollywood Popcorn

Trader Joe ya’ll, got some Bollywood popcorn. What is Boyllywood popcorn you say? Well the popcorn is air popped and mixed with a blend of seasonings like turmeric, cardamom and garammasala and tend to resemble an Indian dish of some sort.
Bacon Bourbon Caramel Popcorn

Everything is good with Bacon
Sriracha Popcorn

Add some heat and spice it up
Maple Bacon Caramel Corn

Once again, everything is awesome with bacon. Adding maple and caramel is bonus
Eggnog Popcorn

I’ve never had eggnog, but for those who have, it obviously is a popcorn flavor now.
Espresso Popcorn

Get a burst of energy when you nibble on this espresso popcorn.